Another complicated function.
- Parameter fullname: The fullname that will be broken into its parts.
- Returns: A *tuple* with the first and last name.
- Remark:
There's a counterpart function that concatenates the first and last name into a full name.
- SeeAlso: `createFullName(_:lastname:)`
- Precondition: `fullname` should not be nil.
- Requires: Both first and last name should be parts of the full name, separated with a *space character*.
- Todo: Support middle name in the next version.
- Warning: A wonderful **crash** will be the result of a `nil` argument.
- Version: 1.1
- Author: Myself Only
- Note: Too much documentation for such a small function.
func breakFullName(fullname: String) -> (firstname: String, lastname: String) {
let fullnameInPieces = fullname.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
return (fullnameInPieces[0], fullnameInPieces[1])